Friday, August 17, 2007

Editing Tutorial

I made a "3D screencast" about how to edit a wiki webpage. This new version replaces the old version that is still available at the Internet Archive. I have been comparing the Internet Archive's Embed Video Format of the new video to the YouTube Embed Video Format.

The YouTube version is not bad. The 640 x 480 pixel OGG video format version at Wikiversity is better.

Test of the Internet Archive embed flash video player:

Sunday, August 12, 2007

3D Screencasting

The 1.7 version of DAZ|Studio came out and I have been learning how the use the new features such as D-Formers. I also made a short tutorial for lighting.

I've started experimenting with ways to insert animated 3D characters into screencasts. The goal is to make screencasts that are used for Wikiversity tutorials more interesting, essentially replacing a simple mouse cursor with an animated human figure.